Assalamualaikum....all my mbers y cool,mulai saat ni,detik ni,hari ni..........................ynie dh buat kptsn sndri...i will study hard to b SMART!!!i want to aprove to evryone that i can success...lps ni,xde dh prngai gle2 ni,bdk2 ni....i want to b mature in anything...YES!i can,i know that...not impossible..but,of cos i will b different after this...sometime,i dont know,how can i be like that coz im not this person...i will feel lonely...but,i must do it..then,my frenz,dont ask me if i look dfferent after,no more time 4 me to relax,sleeping,koya2,men2 n swktu dgnnye...i will start my first day with a new image...n then,all my clasmate,if u had read what im wrote now,plez dont tell anyone,let it be secret between dear frenz,we must to of our tcher had complaint about us...muyb its true what they,all my ferz,wake up..we must prove to our tchr although we like child,,but we still can success...i know that...more imprtnt,nver give up n dont forget our CREATER...i luv u all my tchers n frenz..i prayed all our success,now n 4ever...rmember our target 4 SPM 2011,9A..InsyaAllah....Amin...thun 2011 aknm mncatat sjrh wk kte smua...OUR SUCCESS...